Why God Doesn’t Want Us To Worry

Worried Sick

I remember the first time I worried myself sick. I had to be about eight years old and my dad had a doctor’s appointment. He must’ve said something like, “If I don’t come back…” My little heart was distraught. All I remember thinking was that he was going to die. So what did I do? I curled up on my floor holding a black pin with colorful lettering on it that he’d given me. (I think it said black power. My parents are essentially black activists. Why else would you give an eight year old a pin like that?) 

And I cried. I cried and cried and cried because I was convinced that my dad was going to die. 

Was he sick? No. 

But I was so worried that he was going to die! 

Fast forward 21 years and he is still alive and kicking. He came back that day with his heart still beating. My worrying accomplished nothing. 

And it still accomplishes nothing. 

Wait, yes it does, it accomplishes putting a damper on my faith in Jesus. 

How about you? What has your worry accomplished for you lately?

Jesus specifically tells us in scripture not to worry. If you’re anything like me, you might read that and then proceed to worry about not worrying. 

But Jesus knows this and He tells us not to worry about our lives, what we will eat or drink; or about our bodies, what we will wear. (Luke 12:25) 

He tells us not to worry about the basic bare necessities of life. But why? Why shouldn’t we worry? 

We shouldn’t worry because: Our Heavenly Father feeds the birds & Our Heavenly Father clothes the grass of the fields. 

He Feeds The Birds 

Birds are cute. But they don’t do much. You can observe them and their beauty and listen to their songs, but you can’t hold a conversation or have an intimate connection with them. And yet, God sees to it that they’re fed. (And fed well! I’ve met some birds that expect to be hand fed by humans.) Humans aren’t always cute, but we are God’s masterpieces. So if he takes such care with simple birds, how much more care will he take with complex man? 

He Clothes The Grass 

I love nature. I love plants. I have four of them and I am especially proud of my orchid. It should have some flowers coming in very soon. But again, my plants can’t keep me company. They help clean my air in my apartment, yes, but they can’t talk to me while I’m quarantining. They can’t make me laugh or give me a hug when I’m feeling lonely and yet, God sees to it that they’re adorned with nature’s best colors. So if he details a plant in such a way, how much more will he see to it that we are taken care of, us who have his very breath flowing through our lungs? 

Contrary to what society teaches us, God is caring and He is generous and He is wise. This doesn’t mean that He’ll make sure I have a new pair of Uggs whenever I want them or I’ll always have extra money to buy Glossier or that I’ll always be able to get my nails done. But it does mean that He will provide enough for me. 

My challenge to you (and for myself) is to trust him to provide what you need. And if you’re not sure what you need, ask him. As we trust him to be who he is, we are freed up to be who and what he’s made us to be. 

Love & Light, 

Kourtney Naomi