Category: Connecting With Self

Inspired By Jesus

You know what’s worse than having other people doubt you? When you doubt yourself. There are many times when I think I can’t do something or I’m not capable of doing something. The result of these types of thoughts is I talk myself out of whatever  it is I think I can’t do. 

I think I’m too tired to write, so I don’t write. 

I think I’m too tired to clean the bathroom, so I don’t clean the bathroom. 

I think I’m too tired to cook dinner, so I don’t cook dinner. 

Now, don’t get me wrong. I believe these doubtful thoughts come from a completely valid place. I am a busy person. I’m a teacher for goodness sake. But something that I learned a little while ago is that if I think I can’t do something, I won’t do it. This is a symptom of a fixed mindset. On the flipside, if I think I can do something, I will do it. This is a symptom of the growth mindset. Thank you Carol Dweck. 

But where does this doubtful, unproductive mindset come from? I believe it comes from our beliefs, a lack of truth, a lack of inspiration. 

A few weeks ago, I was feeling overwhelmed and depleted. I was working hard, giving to others, and feeling like I wasn’t receiving anything back. This deterred me a bit. It put a damper on my productivity which resulted in the tasks, mentioned above, not getting done. I was extremely tired so I thought I didn’t have enough energy to do any other tasks and that may have been true. 

But then, after praying to God about it and realizing that even though I was working hard and life was throwing some sizable stones at me, I didn’t feel in despair. I am grateful for this. A few years ago, if I was going through the things that I’ve been going through now, I would’ve been in despair. I attribute this growth, this change, this glory to God because he has been teaching me endurance. He has been showing me the things that I am capable of doing. But most of all, he has been inspiring me (even if in small amounts). 

Inspired by Jesus, the GOAT

I’m starting to think that self-doubt is a symptom of a lack of inspiration. When I don’t feel inspired, two things happen. 

I don’t do. Or I do on auto-pilot. 

Neither ways are sustainable or joyful ways of living. 

However, God presents the remedy. 

There is a popular scripture that is often quoted to encourage people to do difficult things and this scripture has been helping me to stop doubting myself and become more inspired with God’s help. 

Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

(You know what the greek word for the word strength actually means? Empower.)

Now Paul, the speaker, was talking about being able to be content with a lot or a little, but I believe this scripture applies to all areas of life. 

Jesus freely offers his strength. 

How though? 

Well, I have been leaning on Jesus’ strength lately by being inspired by what he experienced, his attitudes, and how he conducted himself. His life gives me inspiration and sometimes (not all times) that inspiration gives me inner strength to do what I need to do. 

Even something as simple as washing the dishes after a long day of work. 

Jesus was falsely accused of a crime that he was then murdered, brutally murdered for. He endured the ridicule of people, constantly. He worked long days healing hordes of people. He was harassed. People probably kept touching him which would have annoyed the heck out of me! He constantly had people asking him for healing, signs, proof that he was sent from God! He had to deal with the inadequacies and even the toxicity of his disciples. Then, on top of this, he was broke. 

But what does he say? “…In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

In this context, Jesus was preparing his friends for some crazy stuff they were about to go through. I appreciate his honesty and how he told them bluntly that they were going to go through very difficult things. He didn’t tell them to scare them. I think he told them to help them see that peace does not mean they won’t go through difficult things. Their peace was to come from him. 

But how?! 

I truly think by being inspired by Jesus’ example of overcoming the world. He championed life. Isn’t that inspiring? The more I draw my attention to Jesus, what he overcame and what he accomplished, I am encouraged and when I am encouraged my self-doubt and those can’ts lose their power. I can gather the strength to endure and do difficult things because Jesus did. 

Some Practicals 

As a teacher, I must show my students not just how to complete an assignment but also how to think about an assignment. Before we get to the practical, we have to work on the thinking. It’s the same thing with doing difficult things and I believe Jesus teaches us in the same fashion. 

Here’s an example: 

In John 6 (I encourage you to go read it on your own), Jesus encourages the people who came to him not to work for the food that perishes, but for the food that gives eternal life. They focused on the physical doing, but Jesus brought their attention to the spiritual thinking. He said, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

He addressed their beliefs before he addressed their actions. 

So my question for you is, what are you believing? 

What or who is inspiring your thoughts, and therefore, your actions? 

If you are a Christian and you are having a hard time just doing life, I encourage you to really look to Jesus and be inspired by him. Read about what he did, how he acted, how he talked, his emotions, and allow your beliefs to be inspired!  

Then, after you spend time getting to know him, copy him. Imitate him. Be as he would be. It sounds crazy, but there is rest in this. This is where drawing our strength from him comes from. I know for me, it’s very hard for me to perform well if I’m not inspired, meaning if I’m not getting that strength from somewhere. (And trust me, I can’t always empower myself)

For example, as I work toward allowing Jesus to inspire my life, I might ask myself:

If Jesus was a teacher, how would he manage his time? 

How would he make sure the dishes were done?

How would he make sure he was utilizing his passion and talents?

How would he make sure the bathroom got clean? 

If you are not a Christian, I encourage you to do the same thing. Maybe start off by asking God, “Who are you and Who is Jesus?” And wait in expectation. (Don’t be surprised if they send some random people your way! That’s what happened to me!) 

In Closing

I say all this to say, life is hard. It is full of doing difficult things and these things can overwhelm you, but there is hope. There is hope for both endurance, inspiration and thriving when you are empowered by Jesus. 

I’m not all the way there yet, but that’s the way I’m growing. 

And that’s on Mary had a little lamb.

Love and Light, 

Kourtney Naomi

True Joy

What Is Joy? A while ago, probably because I was feeling sad, I looked up the biblical definition for joy. The definition surprised and disappointed me because it wasn’t what I wanted or was looking for. (Gotta be honest.) According to HELP Word-studies, joy comes […]

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