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When Salvation Blooms…

I have a Sunny Star Croton plant. When I bought it from Whole Foods three years ago, it possessed a simple nametag that said “Foliage”. Its’ botanical name was a mystery to me. Over time, I’ve come to learn more about my plant and how to take care of it.Recently, I noticed some tiny green-bubble-like growths coming from the top of it. When I researched what they were, I learned that they were the small beginnings of blossoms! I didn’t know a croton could blossom indoors but behold–mine has. And this is all credit to God because He makes all things grow.

This phenomena reminds me of Philippians 1:11. In the preceding verses, Paul prays a beautiful prayer for the Philippian believers. He expresses his desire for their love to grow in knowledge and discernment so that they are able to approve that which is excellent! He desires this for them so that they finish the race well and when they finally meet Jesus, they will be filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of the Father.

…having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God

Philippians 1:11

Have you ever thought to yourself, “what’s the point of being a Christian?” This year, I’ve thought this to myself several times. Not because I don’t want to be a Christian, becoming a Christian was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’ve had that thought because I’ve gotten caught up in the motions of my Christian activity and even my own quest for Emotional Freedom. I’ve realized that the end result I’ve been looking for is really myself.

I want to be a good Christian.

I want to be emotionally healthy.

These are all good desires, but they seemed to be lacking something. When it’s all said and done, when Jesus comes back in a brilliant sky in all his beauty, does he want to just see me as a good, emotionally free Christian? That’s what I want to be, but is that what all Jesus really wants me to be?

This scripture in Philippians helps me to see that the fruit, the blooming of righteousness, comes through Jesus. It is Jesus himself. The end result of my faith, of our faith, was never meant to be a better version of ourselves. The end result of our faith is Christ flowering and blossoming in, through, and out of us. This is what truly brings glory and praise to God.

Just like I didn’t expect my Sunny Star Croton plant to bloom flowers; I didn’t expect my walk with God to bloom Christ. I’ve been expecting it to bloom the best version of me!

So how about you friend, are you looking forward to seeing Christ be the bloom of your salvation or are you simply looking to find more of you?

One thing I’m learning about my walk with God is that He, which Paul references in Philippians 1:6, is the one doing the good work of forming Christ within me. It’s not by my effort, it’s not by my watering, my pruning, or my self-efficiency. It’s by his unfailing love and grace.

Convinced of this same thing, that the one who began a good work in you will finish it until the day of Christ Jesus

Philppians 1:6

Love and Light,

Kourtney Naomi

Thriving In Jesus

“The Cross Alone Is My Burden To Bear” -The Suffering Christian For a long time, my perspective of Christianity was one of suffering. I believed God wanted me to suffer. I mean, don’t the best lessons come from suffering? Aren’t heroes made in the flames […]

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