The Trap of Approval

Human approval is the golden standard of success, importance, and value for me. When I am approved of I feel validated, worthy, seen, and wanted. These concepts are things that all humans desire and even need. 

Yet, when we step into our new identities in Christ, there’s a shift in allegiance that happens. This shift invites and requires us to trade in our unhealthy desire for human approval for our true need for God’s approval. 

For example, when I was deciding to commit to God by following Jesus, I struggled. I was at a literal crossroads. I was afraid of being rejected by my friends and being questioned by my family. I feared standing alone because their acceptance was everything to me. 

Ultimately, I decided to go through with my commitment and thanks to God He’s helped to keep me committed for the past almost 8 years. 

I still desire human approval; it’s an idol that I worship. I still seek it and even compromise for it at times. I’m not proud of it but it’s the reality. 

When it comes to God’s approval and human approval, human approval seems and feels better because it’s immediate. But the truth is, just because it’s immediate doesn’t mean it is superior or even substantial.

What Scripture Says of Human Approval

Jesus is the perfect example of a human being living outside the trap of  human approval. He may have unhealthily desired it, since he was tempted in every way, but he didn’t allow that desire to control him. This is the area where many of us fall short. We allow our desire for approval to determine our decisions and our beliefs. 

One of the scriptures that has always stuck out to me is John 2:24-25.

“Because of the miraculous signs Jesus did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration, many began to trust in him. But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew all about people. No one needed to tell him about human nature, for he knew what was in each person’s heart.”

 In this particular passage, people were beginning to believe in Jesus’ name, but Jesus did not entrust himself to them. He did not put his confidence in what they thought about him or their approval because He knew what was in the human heart. 

And rightfully so! Our hearts are fickle when they’re not aligned with God’s will. Human approval is a poor foundation upon which to build one’s life on. This applies both to us approving of ourselves and relying on other people’s approval because it changes so often. What we often approve of is directly connected to our emotions, which we all know change like the wind. 

Ultimately, it is God’s approval that we should seek, which is why the gospel is the answer for that nagging need for approval that we have.

Approval In Christ

Scripture tells us once we make the decision to repent and be baptized in order to receive Christ as our Savior, we receive a variety of things. One of those things is freedom from condemnation. 

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live and walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit.” Romans 8:1

For those who are in Christ, we are no longer damned. The worst case scenario is over and done with. I know for me, one of my reasons for wanting human approval is to avoid the uncomfortable feeling of guilt that arises when I disappoint someone. But because of Christ all condemnation loses its power. We no longer have to live in constant fear of God’s condemnation. How much less should the fear of human condemnation have over us?

*Disclaimer* Now this doesn’t mean that God always agrees with our sin. But because of salvation we are free from the righteous wrath of God. This is meant to inspire us toward holy and righteous living. 

As a Christian, we have the gift of living free from the control of guilt. We don’t need other people’s approval of us when we have God’s! This truth challenges me to allow God to further align my heart, mind, and will with His because He is now the one I get to live for. I’m no longer bound by the control of other people’s thoughts and opinions. 

Isn’t that freeing? It is.

My prayer for you, dear friend, is that you will allow this divine truth to shape your heart and mind. And for my dear friends, that are living outside of this truth, the invitation is open 🙂 Feel free to message me to learn more!

Love and Light. 

Kourtney Naomi

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